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The Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics (CSET) established in 1978, is a national, academic, and non-profit organization composed of scientists, engineers, and relevant institutions engaged in the field of engineering thermophysics. It is a member of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST). CSET's administrative office is located in Beijing, hosted by the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. CSET currently has over 5,000 members, including professionals from universities, research institutions, and industrial sectors involved in energy-efficient and low-pollution utilization, aerospace propulsion, power generation, power machinery, and refrigeration. The society's scope extends to information technology, materials science, space technology, environmental protection, advanced manufacturing technology, life sciences, and agriculture.



Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), founded in Shanghai, China, in 1896, is one of the famous institutions of higher learning with the longest history and reputation at home and abroad. It is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education and jointly built with Shanghai Municipality. SJTU is currently comprised of 5 campuses with more than 300 hectares. SJTU faculty includes 3,512 full-time teachers (among which 1,157 are professors), 27 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and 25 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Over the 126 years of its history, SJTU has educated more than 400,000 talents for the country and the world, including Jiang Zemin, a former president of China, and Tsien Hsue-shen, China's "Father of Space Science." SJTU insists on enhancing educational internationalization, constantly improving its comprehensive strengths and global influence, exploring a future-oriented internationalization strategy, speeding up the implementation of a new international development plan, expanding overseas layout, building overseas centers, deepening strategic cooperation, and promoting in-depth exchange visits so as to make steady progress towards the goal of establishing a world-class institution of higher education.



Foshan Xianhu Laboratory (FXL) of the Advanced Energy Science and Technology Guangdong Laboratory was founded in November 2019 by Foshan Municipal People's Government, Wuhan University of Technology and Nanhai District People's Government. In April 2023, National Energy Administration approved FXL to set up National Energy Key Laboratory for New Hydrogen-Ammonia Energy Technologies, Guangdong Academician Workstation, and Provincial Doctor Workstation. FXL is located in Danzao Hydrogen Valley with a construction area of approximately 63000 m2. Presently, it has about 200 staff, including academician, high-level talents, scientists, and engineers. So far, more than 300 doctoral and postgraduate students conducted their researches in FXL. The laboratory is committed to the development of hydrogen energy and fuel cell industry as well as ammonia-hydrogen new energy industry, integrating high-end innovation resources at home and abroad, creating a domestic first-class and international leading strategic scientific and technological innovation platform in the field of new energy and new materials.