The 3rd Symposium on Ammonia Energy (SoAE) is co-organized by Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Foshan Xianhu Laboratory. The theme of this symposium is Ammonia: New Energy, New Opportunity. We cordially invite scholars, graduate students, and industrial practitioners, as well as anyone with an interest in ammonia energy, to attend and engage in this annual global congress.
Ammonia production, materials, catalyst, cracking systems, fuel cells, combustion fundamentals, combustion applications, reaction modeling, CFD modeling, life-cycle assessment, environmental impact, techno-economic aspects, and health, safety & security.
- February 20th, 2024Registration/Submission portal opening
- July 31st, 2024Submission Deadline
- August 10th, 2024Early Bird Registration Deadline
- September 22nd, 2024Check-in for Industry Workshop
- September 23rd, 2024Industry Workshop Date/Check-in for Symposium
- September 24th - 26th, 2024Symposium Date
Opening ceremony, plenary lecture sessions, oral presentation sessions, poster presentation sessions, closing ceremony, Industry Workshop, and Health, Safety, and Security Workshop.
- María U. AlzuetaUniversity of Zaragoza, Spain
- Jong-Beom BaekUNIST, South Korea
- Yusuf BicerHamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
- Christian BrackmannLund University, Sweden
- Ping ChenDalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, China
- Jun ChengChongqing University, China
- Ayman ElbazKAUST, Saudi Arabia
- Zuohua HuangXi'an Jiaotong University, China
- Shuiqing LiTsinghua University, China
- Guozhu LiuTianjin University, China
- Kun LuoZhejiang University, China
- Alexandr SimonovMonash University, Australia
- Xin TuUniversity of Liverpool, United Kingdom
- Liwei WangShanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Zhihua WangZhejiang University, China
- Haiqiao WeiShenyang Aerospace University, China
- Xiaolin WeiInstitute of Mechanics, CAS, China
- Rui XiaoSoutheast University, China
This one-day event, adopting a novel Academy PLUS Industry (A+I) style, will include opening ceremony, plenary lecture session, round-table discussion, and four parallel sessions (Production and Materials, Internal Combustion Engines, Gas Turbines and Jet Engines, and Boilers and Thermal Systems). Over 50 enterprises and institutions will share their recent progresses in the ammonia industry.
More details can be found:
Agustin Valera Medina Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Consists of 70 members from 23 countries/regions.
International Advisory Committee (IAC)
Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus Bielefeld University, Germany
Qingjie Zhang Wuhan University of Technology, China
Consists of 41 members from 11 countries/regions.
Industry Workshop Committee (IWC)
Douglas Macfarlane Monash University, Australia
Alasdair Cairns University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Bobby Noble Electric Power Research Institute, United States
Consists of 33 members from 12 countries/regions.
Local Organization Committee (LOC)
Honorary Chairs
Zhen Huang Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Yibing Cheng Foshan Xianhu Laboratory, China
Yuyang Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Consists of 73 members from 22 domestic units.
We invite scholars, graduate students, and industrial practitioners to register online through the registration system and attend the 3rd SOAE, and to submit their original research. A two-page extended abstract for the 3rd SoAE should be submitted online through the submission system. Detailed guidelines for registration and submission are available on the symposium website:
Selected papers will have the opportunity to be published in the Journal of Ammonia Energy, Energy & Fuels, and Applied Sciences.
Download extended abstract template
In addition to the technical program, the nearly week-long symposium will also feature several social events such as reception, banquet, and farewell. The meeting will also provide delegates opportunities to visit the beautiful Minhang Campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, as well as enjoy a night cruise on the Huangpu River.
This year, the 3rd SoAE will take place at the Primus Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao. Accommoda-tion information will be available in the registration system once registration is completed through the symposium website:
Please be aware that September is a busy season with numerous conferences, exhibitions, and expositions at or near the venue. Consequently, accommodation availability at the venue can hardly be guar-anteed after the early bird registration deadline.